Saturday, May 21, 2016


Semar dan Togog benar-benar membuktikan kata-kata mereka dengan terus membayangi semua aksi dan upaya teror Iblis Azazil hingga menembus ruang dan waktu kemasa lalu dan masa depan. Sehingga diketahui, karena terus-menerus dibayangi kedua Dewa Pengayom Alam Semesta, Iblis perlu membentuk dan merekut pasukan dari berbagai makhluk baik jin, siluman, denawa maupun Dewa-dewa kegelapan. Berikut adalah tempat-tempat dan peristiwa-peristiwa didunia yang diawasi diam-diam oleh Semar dan Togog; 

PRAHISTORY.  13.7million.BC to 1250.BC
-13,700,000,000 Beginning of the universe: "Big Bang"
-4,600,000,000   Age of Sun and Earth
-3,800,000,000   Earliest single-celled life appears on Earth
-1,000,000,000   First multi-cellular plants (algae) appear
-540,000,000     Start of Cambrian Period, life proliferates in the sea
-450,000,000     Vegetation colonizes land, and Arthropods first land animals
-350,000,000     Formation of Pangaea supercontinent
-300,000,000     First amphibians and reptiles
-230,000,000     First dinosaurs and early mammals appear
-200,000,000     Continents begin to split into present configuration
-150,000,000     Archaeopteryx earliest known bird
-70,000,000       First primates and other modern mammals appear
-65,000,000       Dinosaurs die out
-15,000,000       Great apes speciate from other apes and monkeys
-4,000,000         Bipedal ape-like hominids first appear in Africa
-2,500,000         Australipithecus and Homo Habilis start to make tools
-1,500,000         Homo Erectus and Homo Ergaster control fire
-200,000            Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Sapiens appear
-40,000             "Great Leap Forward" in human cognitive development
-25,000              Cro-Magnon Man reaches Europe - earliest Paleolithic art
-25,000              Neanderthals die out and Homo Sapiens dominates
-15,000              First Asian migrants cross Bering Straits to North America
-11,000             End of last "ice age" and start of current interglacial period
-8,000               Extinction of mastodons and other megafauna
-6,000               New Stone Age (Neolithic) in Europe - settled agriculture
-3,000               Bronze Age in Europe
-1,800               Main circle built at Stonehenge, Britain
-1,000               Iron Age in Europe
-7000                Founding of Jericho - world's earliest known city
-4000                Early Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia
-3500                Sumerian cuneiform (picture-writing) developed
-3500                Sumerians invent wheel
-2500                Early Hebrew civilization in Israel area
-2100                Babylon established by the Chaldeans
-2000                Abraham migrates from Ur to Canaan
-2000                Hittite empire established in Asia Minor
-2000                Gilgamesh Epic (heroic poem) written in cuneiform
-2000                Phoenicians trading in Eastern Mediterranean
-1800                Babylonian king Hammurabi codifies laws
-1600                Phoenicians develop phonetic alphabet
-1400                Hebrews invade Canaan (Joshua)
-1300                Hebrew Exodus from Egypt under Moses
-1250                Israelites invade Palestine
-5000                Earliest Egyptian settlements
-3400                Hieratic writing developed by Egyptians
-3100                First Egyptian dynasty under Pharoah Menes - Memphis built
-2800                Papyrus used as writing material by Egyptians
-2600                Old Kingdom of Egypt - first pyramid built at Saccara
-2500                Pyramid of Giza built
-2040                Middle Kingdom of Egypt - reunification under Theban kings
-1500                New Kingdom of Egypt - civilization peaks
-725                  Nubians from present-day Sudan conquer Egypt
-700                  Assyrians invade Egypt
-500                  Persians invade Egypt
-450                  End of Pharoahs' rule in Egypt - 30th Dynasty
-400                  Egypt independent of foreign domination
-270                  Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria built
-51                    Cleopatra becomes Queen of Egypt
-30                    Cleopatra commits suicide - Egypt ruled by Romans for 7 centuries
-7000                Founding of Jericho - world's earliest known city
-4000                Early Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia
-3500                Sumerian cuneiform (picture-writing) developed
-2500                Early Hebrew civilization in Israel area
-2100                Babylon established by the Chaldeans
-2000                Abraham migrates from Ur to Canaan
-2000                Hittite empire established in Asia Minor
-1800                Babylonian king Hammurabi codifies laws
-1600                Phoenicians develop phonetic alphabet
-1400                Hebrews invade Canaan (Joshua)
-1300                Hebrew Exodus from Egypt under Moses
-1250                Israelites invade Palestine
-1200                Hittites overthrown by Assyrians
-1020                Saul becomes King of Israel
-1000                David becomes King of Israel - Philistines defeated
-970                  Solomon becomes King of Israel
-800                  Phoenicians establish colony at Carthage, North Africa
-720                  Assyrians invade Palestine
-620                  Ninevah sacked by Medes - end of Assyrian empire
-600                  Hanging Gardens of Babylon built by Nebuchadnezar
-580                  Nebuchadnezar takes Hebrews into captivity in Babylon
-540                  Medes and Persians under Cyrus control most of Asia Minor
-530                  Jews freed after Cyrus the Persian conquers Babylon
-525                  Persians expand into Egypt, Asia Minor and towards India
-486                  Xerxes becomes King of Persia
-165                  Jewish kingdom revived under Hasmoneans and Maccabees
-87                    Babylonian tablet records passage of Halley's Comet
-63                    Romans under Pompey conquer Palestine
-4                     Birth of Jesus Christ
33                     Death of Jesus Christ
67                     Death of St Paul
70                     Jerusalem destroyed by Romans after rebellion
135                   Emperor Hadrian completes destruction of Palestine
-4400                Minoan (or Aegean) culture established in Crete
-2700                First settlement at Troy
-1600                Greek tribes settle in Greece and Asia Minor
-1400                Knossos sacked - end of Minoan civilization
-1200                Siege of Troy, and adventures of Iliad and Odyssey
-1200                Mycaenean civilization starts to decline
-776                  First Olympic Games held in Greece
-490                  Greeks defeat Persians under Darius and Xerxes
-450                  Great statue of Zeus built at Olympia
-430                  Peleponnesian Wars between Athens and Sparta
-330                  Alexander the Great defeats Persians - expands towards India
-320                  Alexander the Great dies and Greek empire is split
-250                  Parthians control much of Eastern Greek empire
267                   Goths overrun Greece, capture Athens and sack other cities
EARLY INDIA: 3000.BC to 1556.AD
-3000                Advanced civilization (Dravidians) in Indus Valley
-2500                Tribes of Aryans (Indo-Europeans) gradually move into India
-540                  Magadha kingdom in Northern India becomes dominant power
-528                  Enlightenment of Gautama Buddha
-480                  Death of Gautama Buddha and spread of his teachings
-330                  Alexander the Great makes incursions into India
-240                  King Asoka extends his empire to cover most of India
550                   White Huns from the north west destroy Indian empire
1206                 Turkish Sultanate established in Delhi - power centralized
1398                 Mongols under Tamerlaine invade Northern Indian and sack Delhi
1519                 Sikhism founded in India
1526                 Babar (Babur), descendent of Mongol leader Tamerlaine founds Mughal 
                        (Mogul) Empire in India
1556                 Mughal leader Akbar comes to power - controls most of India
-2500                First Golden Age of China under Yao, Shun and Yu
-1600                Shang Dynasty - advanced civilization and literature
-1030                Chou Dynasty - feudal system established
-660                  Japanese Empire established by Jimmu
-500                  Wars between rival Chinese kingdoms
-500                  Confucius preaching in China
-480                  Ch'in Dynasty - standardized language and administration
-220                  Shih Huang Ti first emperor of united China
-210                  Great Wall of China built to keep out Mongolians
-200                  Han Dynasty - Mandarin bureaucracy and invention of paper
-140                  Emperor Wu Ti expands Chinese Empire
200                   Silk, porcelain and tea exported to west on Silk Road
220                   End of Han Dynasty - China divided for 3 centuries
400                   Japanese states united by Yamato clan
400                   Shinto cult in Japan
520                   Zen form of Buddhism introduced to China from India
581                   Sui Dynasty - China reunited
600                   China's Grand Canal (longest canal system in world) rebuilt
600                   Khmer Empire established in Indo-China
618                   T'ang Dynasty in China - arts and literature thrive
683                   Empress Wu becomes first and only Chinese woman ruler
710                   Japanese capital established at Nara
794                   Kyoto becomes capital of Japan during Heian period
868                   First book printed in China
907                   "Five Dynasties" and partition of China
EARLY AMERICAS: 2000.BC to 1490.AD
-2000                Neolithic cultures in Peruvian desert
-1500                Olmecs settle on Gulf Coast of Mexico
-900                  Chavin culture predominates in northern Peru
-400                  Mayan civilizations develop in Central America
150                   High Mayan society in Guatemala and Mexico
250                   Classic period of Mayan civilization
650                   Zapotec civilization of southern Mexico at its zenith
700                   Widespread pre-Inca culture develops around Lake Titicaca, Peru
900                   Mayan Empire mysteriously collapses
1000                 Viking Leif Erikson "discovers" North America
1100                 Inca tribes move into Cusco valley, Peru
1200                 Cahokia capital of Mississipian cultures of North America
1470                 Centralized Incan empire stretches from Ecuador to Argentina
1490                 Aztec Empire covers much of Mesoamerica by this time
ANCIENT ROME: 1000.BC to 476.AD
-1000                Early Roman tribes settle around Rome
-750                  Foundation of city of Rome
-510                  Republic of Rome declared
-490                  Romans free themselves from Etruscan domination
-280                  Romans control most of Italy
-260                  Start of Punic Wars against Carthage
-200                  Scipio defeats Hannibal and the Carthaginians
-140                  Romans finally destroy Carthage
-71                    Death of Spartacus (Thracian rebel and insurrectionist)
-63                    Romans under Pompey conquer Palestine
-55                    Julius Caesar takes Britain after annexing Gaul for Rome
-48                    Julius Caesar becomes Roman leader after defeating Pompey
-44                    Julius Caesar assassinated and Augustus takes over as leader
-31                    Augustus defeats his rival Marcus Antonio and Cleopatra
-27                    Augustus becomes first Roman emperor
70                     Jerusalem destroyed by Romans
79                     Destruction of Pompei by Vesuvius volcano
122                   Hadrian's Wall built in Britain
135                   Emperor Hadrian completes destruction of Palestine
150                   Roman-Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy describes motions of stars and 
315                   Under Diocletian, Roman Empire split into East (Byzantine) and West
410                   Rome sacked by Alaric the Visigoth
446                   Romans pull out of Britain
476                   Romulus Augustulus, last Western Roman Emperor, deposed
EARLY AFRICA: 800.BC to 1652.AD
-800                  Phoenicians establish colony at Carthage, North Africa
-500                  Iron Age Nok culture thriving in Nigeria
-200                  Axum Kingdom established in Ethiopia
50                     Aksum line of Ethiopian kings start rule
100                   Bantu people of West Africa start to spread south and east
400                   Ghana controls important African gold trade
1000                 Zimbabwe culture influencial in East Africa
1050                 Islamic Berber dynasties established in Sahel
1230                 Ghanaian Empire replaced by Mali, centred around Timbuktu
1325                 Zenith of Mandingo Empire in Mali
1340                 Songhai Empire replaces Mali rule
1483                 Portuguese travellers discover Congo River
1493                 Songhai Empire reaches height of power under Sonni Ali
1516                 Algiers taken by pirate Barbarossa for Holy Roman Empire
1571                 Bornu Empire in Central Sudan at its zenith under Idris III
1592                 Moorish conquest of African Songhai Empire
1652                 Dutch establish first colony in South Africa
214                   Goths from Baltic infiltrate as far south as Black Sea
267                   Goths overrun Greece, capture Athens and sack other cities
367                   Picts, Scots and Saxons invade Britain
372                   Huns from Asia penetrate into Europe
410                   Rome sacked by Alaric the Visigoth
415                   Visigoths invade Spain
429                   Vandals invade North Africa and Spain
452                   Attila the Hun invades Gaul, Italy and Balkans
550                   White Huns from the north west destroy Indian empire
793                   Vikings invade Britain
862                   Vikings under Rurik invade Russia and establish state
1000                 Viking Leif Erikson "discovers" North America
315                   Roman Empire split into East (Byzantine) and West

330                   Emperor Constantine builds Constantinople (Byzantium)
527                   Accession of Emperor Justinian - Code of Civil Law
537                   Hagia Sophia cathedral built in Constantinople
552                   Byzantines complete conquest of Italy and Spain
627                   Byzantines under Heraclius defeat Persians
1018                 Bulgars subjected by Byzantine Emperor Basil 11
1261                 Constantinople restored to Byzantine rule after 4th Crusade
1453                 Constantinople taken by Turks - end of Byzantine Empire
415                   Visigoths invade Spain
711                   Moors (Muslims) invade Spain
1085                 Kingdom of Castile re-conquers Toledo from Moors
1094                 Spanish knight El Cid takes Valencia from Moors
1118                 Kingdom of Aragon captures Santiago from Moors
1212                 Decisive victory of Spaniards over Moors
1266                 Spain and Portugal finally throw off Moorish domination
1385                 Portugal achieves independence from Spain
1433                 Portuguese Henry the Navigator makes his first explorations
EARLY BRITAIN: 446.AD to 1042.AD
446                   Romans pull out of Britain
492                   St Patrick completes Christian conversion of Ireland
500                   King Arthur and Knights of Round Table (legendary)
597                   Pope Gregory the Great sends St Augustine to convert Britons
663                   Roman Christianity accepted in Britain
735                   Death of Venerable Bede (scholar and historian)
793                   Vikings invade Britain
795                   Death of King Offa - end of Mercian domination of England
825                   Wessex under Egbert becomes dominant in England
843                   Kenneth McAlpin becomes first king of Scots and Picts
866                   Much of England occupied by Viking Great Army
871                   Alfred the Great defeats Danish invaders in Britain
899                   Edward the Elder succeeds Alfred the Great
937                   West Saxons under Athelstan now masters of England
1013                 Ethelred the Unready flees to Normandy before the Danes
1016                 Danish King Canute comes to English throne
1018                 Scotland under Malcolm II annexes Strathclyde and Cumbria
1040                 Macbeth becomes king of Scotland
1042                 Edward the Confessor becomes king of England
EARLY FRANCE: 451.AD to 1589.AD
451                   Attila the Hun invades Gaul - repelled by Romans
481                   Francs under Clovis found Merovingian Kingdom in Gaul
732                   Charles Martel halts Muslim advance into France
751                   Pepin founds Carolingian line
771                   Charlemagne becomes king of Francs - expands into Germany and Italy
800                   Charlemagne crowned Emperor
843                   Treaty of Verdun - seperate France and Germany established
876                   Charles the Fat inherits Frankish Empire
910                   Abbey of Cluny founded - monastic reforms begin
987                   Hugh Capet made King of France
990                   Rollo the Viking rules Normandy (as a fiefdom of France)
1215                 Dominican Order of monks founded in Languedoc
1223                 Franciscan Order of monks founded
1285                 France under Philp IV extends French influence
1309                 Papacy moves to Avignon for over a century
1312                 France and Papacy suppress Knights Templar
1328                 Valois Dynasty takes over from House of Capet in France
1337                 Beginning of Hundred Years' War between England and France
1358                 "The Jaquerie" - French peasant revolt
1415                 Battle of Agincourt - Henry V of England victorious in France
1431                 Joan of Arc burnt at stake after military campaigns against England
1453                 English finally defeated in France at Castillon - end of Hundred Years' War
1461                 Louis XI becomes king of France
1477                 Charles the Bold defeated at Nancy - end of Rise of Burgundy
1515                 Francis I of France takes Milan and much of Northern Italy
1525                 Charles V of Hapsburg retakes Northern Italy from France
1562                 Huguenots fight for right to follow Calvinism in France
1572                 Massacre of St Bartholemew - Huguenots routed
1576                 French Catholic League formed by Guise family
EARLY ITALY: 489.AD to 1380.AD
489                   Ostrogoths, under Byzantine rule, govern Italy
529                   Monte Cassino, main monastery of Benedictine order, established
586                   German Lombards divide Italy with Byzantine and Papacy
840                   Muslims occupy much of Southern Italy
1169                 Eruption of Mount Etna, Sicily (15,000 killed)
1176                 Barbarossa defeated by Lombards - state of Italy founded
1380                 Venice victorious over Genoa at Battle of Chioggia
622                   Hejira - Mohammed's flight from Mecca to Medina
624                   Jihad - Mohammed and his followers subdue Mecca
638                   Jeruslam captured by Muslims
669                   Muslims halted by Byzantines at Constantinople
711                   Muslims invade Spain
732                   Muslim army stopped by Charles Martel in France
762                   Baghdad becomes centre of Arab/Muslim golden age of arts
809                   Death of Harun-ar-Rashid, Caliph of Baghdad
840                   Muslims occupy much of Southern Italy
945                   Persian Muslims capture Baghdad
1037                 Death of Avicenna (Persian philosopher and physician)
1099                 First Crusade retakes Jerusalem from Muslims
1123                 Death of Omar Khayyam (Persian poet and mathematician)
1187                 Muslims under Saladin destroy Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
1198                 Death of Averroes (Arab philosopher)
1272                 Last Crusade (Ninth) ends in failure
1291                 Acre recaptured by Muslims (end of Christian influence in area)
1502                 Fanatical Shi'ite Islam develops under Safavids of Persia
1587                 Shah Abbas the Great becomes rules of Persia
680                   Bulgar Empire established in Balkans
850                   Slavs inhabit most of Eastern Central Europe
893                   Bulgar Empire in Balkans expands under Simeon
896                   Magyars rule area around Hungary
1000                 Stephen I becomes King of Hungary
1230                 Teutonic Knights established in Prussia
1256                 Hanseatic League formed around Baltic - trade flourishes
1415                 Jan Hus, Bohemian religious reformer, martyred
1417                 First Hohenzollern Margrave of Brandenburg (Prussia)
843                   Treaty of Verdun - seperate France and Germany established
936                   Otto I expands German Empire to Poland and Austria
962                   Otto I crowned Emperor of Holy Roman (German) Empire
1077                 Emperor Henry IV forced to yield to Pope Gregory VII
1122                 Concordat of Worms established papal right to invest bishops
1152                 Frederick II (Barbarossa) becomes Holy Roman Emperor
1176                 Frederick II defeated by Lombards - state of Italy founded
1273                 Rudolph I first Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor
EARLY RUSSIA: 862.AD to 1584.AD
862                   Viking state founded in Russia by Rurik - Slavs united
1119                 Kiev sacked by Slavs and kingdom split
1241                 Mongols invade Russia and Central Europe
1246                 Alexander Nevsky becomes Grand Duke of Vladimir
1363                 Mongol leader Tamerlaine starts conquest of Russia
1380                 Muskovite Russians defeat Mongols
1462                 Muskovite Ivan III first to adopt title of Tsar
1471                 Ivan III takes Novgorod and extends influence
1481                 Final defeat of Mongol forces by Russians
1533                 Ivan IV (the Terrible) crowned Tsar of Russia
1556                 Ivan the Terrible increases Russian territory in south and east
1584                 Boris Godunov temporarily takes control of Russia
930                   Althing, oldest functioning parliament in world, established in Iceland
995                   Olaf I brings Christianity to Norwegian Vikings
1000                 Viking Leif Erikson "discovers" North America
1256                 Hanseatic League formed in Baltic - trade blossoms
1397                 Denmark, Norway and Sweden unite under Danish Queen Margaret
1523                 Swedes expel Danish overlords
1632                 King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden ("Lion of the North") dies
1670                 Hanseatic League abandoned
1700                 Charles XII starts Great Northern War against Russia
1709                 Russians rout Swedes at Battle of Poltava - end of Swedish dominance
1721                 Russia takes Livonia and Estonia from Swedes at end of Great Northern 
960                   Northern Sung Dynasty in China - paper money introduced
1100                 Angkor Wat temple built by Khmers in Cambodia
1141                 Barbarian Chin Dynasty takes over Northern China
1279                 Kublai Khan's Mongol Dynasty in China and Asia
1295                 Reports of China brought back to west by Venetian Marco Polo
1368                 Ming Dynasty replaces Mongol rule after native rebellion
1400                 Muslim-influenced Malacca state dominant in South-East Asia
1433                 Chinese explorer Cheng Ho reaches East African coast
1556                 Shaanxi earthquake kills 830,000
1557                 Portuguese have trading monopoly in China through Macao
1644                 Manchu Dynasty seizes power and extends Chinese influence further
1751                 Chinese conquer Tibet
1055                 Seljuk Turks capture Baghdad
1075                 Seljuk Turks capture Jerusalem
1206                 Muslim Sultanate established by Turks in Delhi, India
1326                 Ottoman Turk Empire begins under Orkhan
1355                 Ottoman Suleiman takes Gallipoli - advances into Europe
1389                 Ottoman Turks defeat Christian forces at Kossovo
1443                 Turkish advance westwards set back by European federation in Hungary
1453                 Turkish forces capture Constantinople from Byzantines
1476                 Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) of Wallachia killed by Turkish forces
1514                 Start of series of wars between Turkish and Persian Empires
1517                 Turks conquer Egypt
1526                 Turks under Suliman the Magnificent take Hungary
1529                 Turks lay siege to Vienna
1535                 Hapsburg Charles V drives Turks back from Hungary
1066                 Norman Conquest of England under William I ("the Conqueror")
1071                 Saxon leader Hereward the Wake finally yields to Normans
1086                 Domesday Book compiled by William I
1106                 Henry I of England recaptures Normandy
1119                 Knights Templar Order founded in Britain
1135                 Stephen takes English crown, and Anarchy begins
1154                 Henry II (of Anjou) becomes first Plantagenet King of England
1169                 Henry II sends Strongbow to subdue Ireland
1170                 Thomas à Beckett murdered in Canterbury Cathedral on Henry II's orders
1189                 Richard I (the Lionheart) becomes King of England
1199                 John takes English throne while Richard away on Crusades
1205                 English under John driven out of Normandy and France
1215                 King John forced to sign Magna Carta
1226                 "Summer is icumen in": one of first examples of written music
1249                 First college founded at Oxford (University College)
1265                 Simon de Montford establishes Parliament in England
1272                 Edward I becomes first true "English" King of England
1296                 Edward I makes incursions into Scotland
1314                 Scots under Robert Bruce defeat English at Bannockburn
1328                 Treaty of Northampton - full Scottish sovereignty recognized
1337                 Beginning of Hundred Years' War between England and France
1348                 Black Death plague reaches Britain
1381                 Wat Tyler's Peasant Revolt in England crushed
1384                 John Wycliff killed for his Lollard heresies
1398                 Dick Whittington becomes Mayor of London
1399                 Henry IV II deposes Richard - Lancastrian rule in England
1400                 Owen Glendower revolts in Wales
1415                 Battle of Agincourt - Henry V victorious in France
1450                 Popular discontent erupts in Jack Cade's Rebellion
1453                 Battle of Castillon - English finally defeated in France
1455                 Wars of the Roses begin between Houses of Lancaster and York
1470                 "Kingmaker" Warwick turns Lancastrian and deposes Edward IV
1476                 William Caxton sets up first printing press in London
CRUSADES: 1075.AD to 1291.AD
1075                 Turkish Muslims take Jerusalem
1099                 First Crusade under Godfrey of Bouillon re-takes Jerusalem
1148                 Second Crusade fails to capture Damascus
1187                 Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Syria, captures Jerusalem again
1192                 Third Crusade captures Acre but fails to regain Jerusalem
1204                 Fourth Crusade captures Constantinople - founds Latin Empire
1212                 Children's Crusade ends in disaster - Pied Piper legend
1291                 End of Crusades (Tenth) with fall of Acre
FEUDAL JAPAN: 1185.AD to 1694.AD
1185                 Start of feudal epoch (Shoguns) of Kamakura period in Japan
1191                 Zen movement from China becomes popular in Japan
1274                 Mongol attacks on Japan repulsed
1336                 Ashikaga period in Japan - feudal lords and Samurai warriors
1549                 Spanish Jesuit Francis Xavier tries to convert Japanese to Christianity
1585                 Japan unified under dictator Hideyoshi
1597                 Christian converts persecuted in Japan
1603                 Tokugawa period - feudal Japan finally unified and pacified
1640                 Japan excludes all foreigners
MONGOL EMPIRE: 1206.AD to 1481.AD
1206                 Ghengis Khan, King of Mongols (Tatars), starts conquests
1231                 Mongol attacks on Japan repulsed
1240                 Batu establishes Mongol "Empire of the Golden Horde"
1241                 Mongols under Ghengis Khan invade Russia and Central Europe
1279                 Kublai Khan continues Mongol Dynasty in China and Asia
1363                 Mongols re-united under Tamerlaine
1380                 Muskovite Russians defeat Mongols
1398                 Mongols under Tamerlaine invade Northern India and sack Delhi
1402                 Tamerlaine overthrows Turks in Asia Minor
1481                 Final defeat of Mongol forces by Russians
EARLY POLAND: 1226.AD to 1830.AD
1226                 Mongol forces invade Poland
1256                 Hanseatic League formed in Baltic - trade flourishes
1320                 Valdislav I crowned King of Poland - reunites territory
1333                 Casimir the Great becomes King of Poland
1386                 Jagellons Dynasty starts 190 year rule in Poland
1410                 Poles and Lithuanians under Vladislav II defeat Teutonic Knights
1447                 Poland and Lithuania unite
1506                 Golden Age of Poland begins under Sigismund I and II
1543                 Polish astronomer Nicolas Copernicus shows that Earth revolves around 
1572                 Poland declares itself a republic
1648                 Cossack uprising begins Polish demise as a major power
1670                 Hanseatic League abandoned
1772                 West Prussia annexed from Poland by Prussia
1795                 Remainder of Poland divided between Prussia, Russia and Austria
1814                 Poland ruled by Russia after defeat of Napoleon
1830                 Polish rebellion against Russia defeated
1291                 "Everlasting League" forms nucleus of Swiss confederation
1312                 Swiss patriot William Tell (legendary) foments revolt against Austrian rulers
1315                 Hapsburgs driven out of Switzerland
1386                 Swiss confederation achieves independence from Hapsburgs
1420                 Filippo Brunelleschi credited with invention of linear perspective in art
1434                 Cosimo di Medici begins Medici rule in Florence
1435                 Donatello makes bronze sculpture "David"
1436                 Filippo Brunelleschi designs Duomo of Florence
1469                 Lorenzo di Medici (the Magnificent) rules in Florence
1494                 Italy invaded by French under Charles VIII
1500                 High Renaissance in art centred in Italy
1503                 Powerful Italian general Caesar Borgia defeated in Spain
1515                 Francis I of France takes Milan and much of Northern Italy
1525                 Charles V of Hapsburg retakes Northern Italy from France
1582                 Gregorian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII
1594                 Death of Tinteretto (artist)
1669                 Last major eruption of Mount Etna, Sicily (20,000 killed)
1438                 Albert II first hereditary Hapsburg Holy Roman Empire
1456                 Johann Gutenberg sets up printing press - Mazarin Bible
1477                 Netherlands, Luxembourg and Burgundy brought under German control
1516                 Hapsburg Charles V now king over Germany, Netherlands and Spain
1517                 Luther publishes 95 Theses - start of Reformation
1520                 Luther excommunicated
1521                 Charles V divides Hapsburg Empire between Austria and Spain
1526                 Hungarian and Bohemian crowns unite with Austrian Hapsburgs
1527                 Charles V retakes Northern Italy from France and sacks Rome
1545                 Catholic Counter-Reformation after Council of Trent
1555                 Peace of Augsburg - allows choice of religious denomination
1556                 Charles V leaves Austria to Ferdinand and Spain to Philip II
1618                 Thirty Years' War in Germany to decide Bohemian succession
1699                 Treaty of Karlowitz - Turks concede Hungary to Austria
1740                 Maria Teresa succedes to Austrian throne
1763                 Austria defeated in Seven year' War and loses Silesia
1774                 Goethe's "Werther" heralds Romantic Era
1780                 Joseph II assumes sole power over Austrian empire
1781                 Immanuel Kant publishes "Critique of Pure Reason"
1797                 Napoleon compels Austria to make peace
1804                 Francis II declared first hereditary emperor of Austria
1806                 Empire re-organized by Napoleon - end of Holy Roman Empire
1809                 Uprising in Germany and Austria - war against Napoleon renewed
1848                 Francis Joseph accedes to Austrian throne after rising
1848                 Hungary declares independence from Austrian Empire
1477                 Netherlands, Luxembourg and Burgundy brought under German Hapsburg) 
1516                 Hapsburg Charles V now king of Netherlands, Germany and Spain
1568                 William the Silent leads Dutch in revolt against Hapsburgs
1578                 Dutch provinces fight against Spanish domination
1580                 Dutch sieze many Portuguese trading posts throughout the world
1581                 Netherlands proclaims independence from Spain and wars start
1609                 Dutch republic breaks away from Holy Roman Empire and Spanish rule
1648                 Netherlands finally achieves independence from Spain - Peace of 
1688                 Dutch William of Orange invited to take English throne
1814                 Netherlands acquires Belgium after Napoleon defeated
1826                 Dutch steamship "Curaçao" first to cross Atlantic
1830                 Belgian revolution establishes independence from Netherlands
1890                 Death of Vincent Van Gogh (artist)
IMPERIAL SPAIN: 1479.AD to 1898.AD
1479                 Aragon and Castile united by marriage of Ferdinand and Isabela
1481                 Spanish Inquisition begins in Castile
1492                 Genoese Christopher Columbus "discovers" West Indies for Spain
1492                 Granada last Spanish city to be re-captured from Moors
1496                 Spanish crown marries into Austrian House of Hapsburg
1498                 Christopher Columbus briefly lands on South American mainland
1512                 Spaniard Vasco Núñez de Balboa first to see Pacific Ocean
1516                 Hapsburg Charles V becomes King of Spain
1522                 Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan's expedition for Spain first to 
                         circumnavigate globe
1534                 Spaniard Ignatius Loyola founds Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
1558                 Philip II inherits Spain and other lands from Hapsburgs
1568                 Beginning of English-Spanish maritime feud - Hawkins & Drake
1580                 Philip II of Spain annexes Portugal and its dependencies
1581                 Netherlands proclaims independence from Spain and wars begin
1588                 Sir Francis Drake of England defeats Spanish Armada
1640                 Portugal establishes independence from Spain again
1648                 Netherlands finally achieves independence from Spain - Peace of 
1659                 Peace of the Pyrenees - France replaces Spain as world power
1700                 War of Spanish Succession: France wins and Bourbon made King of Spain
1834                 Carlist Wars in Spain
1868                 Revolution deposes Queen Isabella II of Spain
1873                 First Republic of Spain declared
1898                 Spain loses rest of its empire in Spanish-American War
1485                 Tudor Henry VII made King of England after Battle of Bosworth Field
1513                 James IV of Scotland killed by English forces at Flodden
1529                 Cardinal Wolsey dismissed by Henry VIII
1533                 Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn without papal approval
1547                 Henry VIII dies and his son Edward VI comes to English throne
1548                 Mary Queen of Scots flees to France
1553                 Lady Jane Grey briefly made Queen by Earl of Northumberland
1553                 Mary succedes to English throne and restores Catholicism
1553                 Systematic perscution of Protestants by "Bloody Mary"
1558                 Elizabeth I accedes after Mary's death
1568                 Beginning of English-Spanish maritime feud - Hawkins & Drake
1577                 Sir Francis Drake begins voyage around world
1587                 Mary Queen of Scots executed for treason
1588                 Sir Francis Drake defeats Spanish Armada
1600                 East India Company founded
1603                 Elizabeth I dies - end of Tudor rule in England
1488                 Portuguese Bartholomeu Dias first to round Cape of Good Hope
1498                 Portuguese Vasco de Gama reaches India by sea
1510                 Portuguese trading empire established at Goa, India
1522                 Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan's expedition for Spain first to 
                         circumnavigate globe
1580                 Philip II of Spain annexes Portugal and its dependencies
1640                 Portugal establishes independence from Spain again
1910                 Portuguese monarchy abolished in favour of republic
THE NEW WORLD: 1492 to 1763.AD
1492                 Genoese Christoher Columbus "discovers" West Indies for Spain
1497                 John Cabot lands in Canada - later claimed for England
1513                 Juan Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain
1519                 Portuguese/Spaniard Ferdinand Magellan rounds South American mainland
1521                 Mexico conquered for Spain by Hernando Cortes
1535                 Peru conquered for Spain by Francisco Pizarro
1538                 Colombia conquered for Spain by Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada
1540                 Spaniard Franciso de Coronado explores North America
1607                 First permanent British settlement founded in Virginia, North America
1608                 Permanent French colony founded in Quebec by Samuel de Champlain
1620                 Puritan Pilgrim Father establish colony in New England
1652                 Dutch establish colony (present day New York) in North America
1664                 New York taken from Dutch by British
1682                 French claim large territories in Louisiana
1732                 Georgia, last of original American colonies, settled by British
1759                 General James Wolfe takes French Quebec for Britain
1579                 Start of decline of Turkish Empire with death of Sokolli
1683                 Second siege of Vienna - last major Turkish attack on Europe
1699                 Large Turkish concessions to Austria, Hungary and Poland
1831                 Greece gains independence from Turkey with help from Britain
1882                 Turks lose control of most of their old territories
1897                 Greek-Turkish War
1908                 "Young Turk" Revolution establishes constitution in Turkey
1589                 Henry IV first Bourbon King of France
1608                 Permanent French colony founded in Canada by Samuel de Champlain
1610                 Henry IV of France assassinated by Catholic fanatic
1642                 Cardinal Richelieu dies and Cardinal Mazarin takes over
1643                 Louis XIV ("Sun King") becomes King of France at 5 years old
1659                 French frontiers enlarged after treaty with Spain
1667                 Louis XIV starts series of wars to expand French borders
1680                 Louis XIV annexes Alsace for France
1682                 French claim large American possessions in Louisiana
1685                 Edict of Nantes revoked - Protestant Huguenots flee France
1701                 Grand Alliance of England, Netherlands and Austria against France
1704                 English under Duke of Marlborough defeat French at Blenheim
1715                 Louis XIV dies and Louis XV succedes
1763                 Treaty of Paris confirms English domination in Canada
1774                 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette succede to French throne
1783                 Montgolfier brother becomes first men to fly (in hot-air balloon)
COLONIAL INDIA: 1600 to 1930.AD
1600                 British East India Company founded
1639                 East India Company establishes city of Madras
1648                 Taj Mahal built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan
1739                 Persian army sacks Delhi and all but ends Mughal power
1857                 Sepoy Rebellion - Indian army mutinies against British
1876                 Great Famine in Southern India kills over 5 million
1930                 Mahatma Ghandi leads Salt March in India
1618                 Sir Walter Raleigh executed
1620                 Puritan Pilgrim Fathers establish a colony in North America
1625                 Charles I succedes James I as King of England
1640                 English Civil War starts - Royalist Cavaliers against Puritan Roundheads
1649                 Cromwell has Charles I executed and sets up Commonwealth
1651                 Charles II escapes Cromwell to France
1652                 Strengthened British navy defeats Dutch in First Dutch War
1665                 Great Plague
1666                 Great Fire of London
1690                 William III defeats James and Louis XIV at Boyne, Ireland
1701                 England joins Grand Alliance against Louis XIV
1702                 Anne comes to English throne
1704                 English under Duke of Marlborough defeat French at Blenheim
1707                 England and Scotland become United Kingdom of Great Britain
1713                 Treaty of Utrecht - England gain favourable peace with France
1606                 Dutch explorers land on Australian mainland
1642                 Abel Tasman claims Tasmania for Netherlands - later claimed by Britain
1770                 Captain James Cook claims New Zealand and Eastern Australia for Britain
1814                 British missionaries start to convert Maoris of New Zealand
1851                 Gold discovered in Australia
1867                 End of transportation of criminals to Australia
1893                 New Zealand becomes first country to give vote to women
1901                 Commonwealth of Australia established
1951                 ANZUS Pact signed by Australia, New Zealand and USA
1953                 New Zealander Sir Edmund Hillary first to reach summit of Everest
1613                 Michael Romanov (first of dynasty) becomes Tsar of Russia
1637                 Russian pioneers reach Pacific coast
1682                 Peter I (the Great) becomes Tsar of Russia
1695                 Peter the Great defeats Turks at Sea of Azoz
1703                 St Petersburg made capital of Russia
1709                 Russians rout Swedes at Battle of Poltava
1721                 Russia takes Livonia and Estonia from Swedes at end of Great Northern 
1772                 Poland split between Russia and Prussia
1773                 Short-lived revolt in Russia led by cossack Pugachov
1812                 Napoleon's Grand Army destroyed - retreat from Moscow
1814                 Russia gains Poland and Finland after Napoleon's defeat
1854                 Crimean War - Russia against England and France
1861                 Emancipation of serfs in Russia
1865                 Tashkent becomes centre of Russian expansion in Central Asia
1878                 Russo-Turkish War liberates Serbia and Rumania from Turkish rule
 1881                 Start of pogroms against Russian Jews
1884                 Russia expands into Turkistan, Caucuses and eastwards
1903                 Bolshevik Party established in Russia
1904                 Russo-Japanese War
1905                 "Bloody Sunday" massace of protestors in St Petersburg
1914                 First World War - Germany/Austria vs Russia/France
RISE OF PRUSSIA: 1618 to 1870.AD
1618                 Hohenzollerns of Brandenberg (Prussia) acquire East Prussia
1640                 Frederick, Great Elector of Brandenberg, expands Prussia
1670                 Hanseatic League abandoned
1701                 Frederick crowned King of Prussia
1713                 Frederick William becomes next King of Prussia
1740                 Frederick II (The Great) succedes to Prussian throne
1756                 Seven Years' War - Prussia proves itself a major power
1772                 Prussia annexes West Prussia from Poland
1795                 Remainder of Poland divided between Prussia, Russia and Austria
1806                 Prussians defeated by Napoleon at Jena
1814                 Prussia obtains Saxony and Ruhr after Napoleon's defeat
1862                 Otto von Bismark becomes First Minister of Prussia at its height
1866                 Prussia captures Schleswig-Holstein from Denmark and Austria
1870                 Prussia war against France culminates in Siege of Paris
1757                 Robert Clive ("Clive of India") conquers Bengal for Britain
1770                 Captain James Cook "discovers" Australia
1776                 America declares independence from Britain
1779                 First cast iron bridge built at Coalbrookdale, England
1781                 British finally surrender to Americans at Yorktown
1805                 British under Lord Horatio Nelson defeat Napoleon at Trafalgar
1807                 Slave trade abolished in Britain
1811                 Luddite riots against new technologies
1815                 British under Duke of Wellington finally defeat Napoleon at Waterloo
1773                 Boston Tea Party signals start of American Revolution
1776                 America declares independence from Britain
1781                 British finally surrender to Americans at Yorktown
1787                 American Constitution drafted
1812                 French and British forces repel American attacks on Canada
1814                 British forces burn Washington before negotiating peace for Canada
1819                 Spain cedes Florida territory to America
1848                 California Gold Rush begins
1861                 Start of American Civil War
1865                 End of American Civil War
1865                 Abolition of slavery in America
1866                 Anti-black Ku Klux Klan formed
1867                 America buys Alaska from Russia
1867                 Confederation of Canada
1778                 Swede Linnaeus publishes treatise on biological labelling
1814                 Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden
1866                 Swede Alfred Nobel produces dynamite
1905                 Norway separates from Sweden
1906                 Norwegian Roald Amundsen navigates North-West Passage
1944                 Iceland declares independence from Denmark
1973                 Carl XVI Gustaf becomes King of Sweden
1789                 Storming of the Bastille - start of French Revolution
1792                 French Republic declared
1793                 Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette beheaded
1793                 Jean-Paul Marat beheaded after "Reign of Terror"
1794                 Georges Danton and Maximilien Robespierre beheaded
1796                 Napoleon Bonaparte begins conquests in Italy
1797                 Napoleon compels Austria to make peace
1799                 Napoleon leads coup d'etat in France and sets up Consulate
1803                 Napoleon sells Louisiana possessions to America to finance wars
1804                 Napoleon makes himself Emperor of France
1805                 Napoleon defeated by Lord Horatio Nelson at Trafalgar
1806                 German Empire re-organized by Napoleon - end of Holy Roman Empire
1807                 Napoleon controls most of Europe
1808                 Napoleon takes Spain but loses it again in Peninsula Wars
1812                 Napoleon's Grand Army destroyed and retreats from Moscow
1814                 Congress of Vienna - after Napoleon's defeat, Russia gains Poland and 
Netherlands acquires Belgium, and Prussia obtains Saxony and Ruhr
1814                 Bourbon monarchy restored with Louis XVIII
1815                 Napoleon escapes exile in Elba and re-takes Paris
1815                 Napoleon's final defeat by Duke of Wellington at Waterloo - exiled
1824                 Charles X succedes as King of France
1830                 July Revolution makes Louis-Philippe "Citizen-King"
1840                 Pierre Joseph Proudhon propounds anarchist view that "property is theft"
1848                 Louis-Philippe abdicates - Second Republic declared
1852                 Louis Napoleon declares himself Emperor Napoleon III
1870                 Napoleon III attacks Prussia
1871                 Commune of Paris crushed - Adolphe Thiers made President of French 
1871                 Prussia under Otto von Bismark annexes Alsace and Lorraine from France
1874                 First Impressionist exhibition (named after Monet painting)
1889                 Eiffel Tower built in Paris (designed by Gustave Alexandre Eiffel)
1890                 Lumière bothers develop motion pictures
1894                 Alfred Dreyfus convicted of treason
1800                 Haiti becomes first independent state in Latin America
1810                 Argentina first South American state to declare independence
1810                 Simón Bolívar leads uprising against Spaniards in Venezuela
1822                 Brazil becomes nominally independent of Portugal
1876                 Dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz begins in Mexico
1889                 Brazil officially declared a republic
1902                 Eruption of Mount Pelée, Martinique (40,000 killed)
1910                 Mexican Revolution under Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa leads to civil 
1914                 Panama Canal opened
1917                 Democratic constition established in Mexico
1930                 Military coup in Brazil, start of Vargas dictatorship
1946                 General Juan Perón elected president of Argentina
1952                 Bolivian Revolution
1955                 Coup deposes dictator Juan Perón in Argentina
1959                 Fidel Castro establishes communist dictatorship in Cuba
1961                 Cuban Missile Crisis after US-backed anti-Castro Bay of Pigs invasion fails
1964                 Military dictatorship established in Brazil
1967                 Che Guevara, Cuban revolutionary leader, killed in Bolivia
1970                 Sendero Luminoso ("Shining Path") Maoist guerrilla group founded in Peru
1971                 Hugo Banzer leads military coup in Bolivia and becomes dictator
1973                 General Augusto Pinochet ousts democratic Allende government in Chile
1976                 Military coup in Argentina and start of state-sponsored "Dirty War" (until 
1979                 Military coup in Bolivia
1979                 Somoza regime in Nicaragua ousted by leftist Sandinistas
1982                 Britain regain Falklands Islands (Malvinas) after Argentinian occupation
1985                 Brazil returns to democratic civilian rule
1985                 Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia claims 25,000 lives
1990                 Alberto Fujimori elected President in Peru
COLONIAL AFRICA: 1814 to 1912.AD
1814                 Dutch cede Cape Colony to British
1822                 Colony for freed American slaves established in Liberia
1830                 French capture Algeria from Turks
1836                 Great Trek of Boers (Afrikaners) from British South Africa
1869                 Suez Canal opened in Egypt
1871                 Henry Stanley finds David Livingstone near Lake Tanganyika
1872                 Self-rule granted to Cape Colony in South Africa
1879                 Zulu War in South Africa
1881                 French annexe Tunisia and other North African possessions
1883                 Revolt against British rule in Sudan
1885                 Germany annexes south-western and parts of eastern Africa
1889                 Henry Stanley completes his explorations of Africa
1890                 Cecil Rhodes becomes Prime Minister of Cape Colony
1898                 Horatio Earl Kitchener re-conquers Sudan for Britain
1899                 Beginning of Boer War in South Africa
1900                 British establish control over much of east and central Africa
1902                 Boers surrender to British forces in South Africa
1909                 Union of South Africa established
1912                 African National Congress (ANC) formed in South Africa to fight apartheid
1837                 Queen Victoria comes to British throne
1839                 British force Chinese to expand trade in Opium Wars
1840                 Victoria marries Albert of Saxe-Coburg
1840                 End of British practice of deporting convicts to Australia
1841                 China cedes Hong Kong to Britain
1868                 Benjamin Disraeli becomes British Prime Minister
1878                 Salvation Army founded by Rev William Booth
1879                 Britain and France take control of Egypt and Suez Canal
1881                 William Gladstone becomes Prime Minister of Britain
1883                 Revolt against British rule in Sudan
MODERN CHINA: 1839 to 2000.AD
1839                 British force Chinese to expand trade in Opium Wars
1841                 China cedes Hong Kong to Britain
1883                 Eruption of Krakatoa Volcano, Indonesia (35,000 killed)
1894                 Japan invades China - annexes Formosa and Korea
1896                 Siam guarenteed independence from China by Britain and France
1900                 Boxer Rising in China attempts to expel all foreigners
1911                 Chinese Revolution - Sun Yat-Sen establishes Republic
1921                 Chinese Communist Party founded
1928                 Kuomintang under Chang Kai-Shek subdues Chinese warlords
1930                 Civil War in China between Nationalists and Communists
1931                 Floods in Central China kill up to 4 million
1931                 Japanese invade Manchuria
1934                 Long March by Chinese communists under Mao Tse-Tung
1937                 Japanese advance into Northern China and Mongolia
1949                 People's Republic of China proclaimed by Mao Tse-Tung
1952                 Huge collectivization push in rural China
1958                 Dalai Lama flees Tibet from Chinese persecution
1961                 Famine caused by the Great Leap Forward kills an estimated 36 million
1966                 Cultural Revolution begins in China
1969                 Border disputes between China and Russia
1976                 Mao Tse-Tung dies - Gang of Four arrested
1980                 Deng Xiao-Ping becomes Chairman of China
1989                 Pro-democracy protest in Tianenmen Square, Beijing, brutally crushed
1994                 Construction starts on China's Three Gorges Dam
1997                 Hong Kong returns to Chinese rule
1999                 China launches first spacecraft
MODERN ITALY: 1849 to 2000.AD
1849                 Papal regime restored after rebellion declared Rome a republic
1849                 Giuseppe Garibaldi defends Italy against France and Austria
1860                 Piedmont and most of Italy united under Garibaldi
1861                 Victor Emmanel proclaimed King of Italy by first Parliament
1870                 Rome and Papal states annexed to Kingdom of Italy
1922                 Fascist Benito Mussolini siezes power as dictator in Italy
1935                 Benito Mussolini invades Abyssinia
1946                 Italy votes to become a republic
1976                 Giulio Andreotti leads minority government in Italy
1978                 Aldo Moro assassinated by leftist Red Brigade terrorists
1983                 Bettino Craxi leads Italian coalition government
1993                 Salvatore Riina, reputed Mafia leader, arrested
PRE-WAR GERMANY: 1867 to 1911.AD
1867                 Confederation of North German States established
1871                 Prussia under Otto von Bismark annexes Alsace and Lorraine from France
1871                 William I of Prussia proclaimed German Emperor (Kaiser)
1876                 Richard Wagner completes his "Ring" cycle of operas
1882                 Germany, Austria and Italy establish Triple Alliance
1888                 Kaiser William II comes to power
1890                 William II removes Bismark as Chancellor
1895                 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers x-rays
1897                 First zeppelin airship launched
MODERN JAPAN: 1867 to 2000.AD
1867                 Emperor Meiji restored after centuries of Shogun rule
1877                 Satsuma Rebellion in Japan against introduction of new ideas
1894                 Japan invades China - annexes Formosa and Korea
1926                 Hirohito becomes Emperor of Japan
1931                 Japanese invade Manchuria
1937                 Japanese advance into Northern China and Mongolia
1940                 Japan occupies Indo-China
1941                 Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbour brings US into Second World War
1945                 Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Japan surrenders
1951                 American post-war occupation of Japan ends
1989                 Akihito succedes his father Hirohito as Emperor of Japan
1995                 The Great Hanshin earthquake hits Kobe, Japan, killing over 6,000
MODERN IRELAND: 1900 to 2000.AD
1905                 Sinn Fein, Irish nationalist (Republican) movement, founded
1919                 Irish Republican Army (IRA) formed as radical military wing of Sinn Fein
1922                 Ireland partitioned into Northern Ireland and Irish Free State (Southern 
1932                 Eamonn de Valera becomes Republican Fianna Fail leader
1937                 Eire (Southern Ireland) declares itself completely independent state
1952                 Samuel Beckett develops Theatre of the Absurd - "Waiting for Godot"
1969                 Provisional IRA, terrorist offshoot of IRA, formed
1969                 Catholic vs Protestant "Troubles" resume in Ireland
1972                 "Bloody Sunday" massacre in Ireland
1972                 British impose direct rule on Northern Ireland
1975                 Birmingham Pub Bombings by IRA
1981                 IRA prisoners go on hunger strike - 10 die
1994                 IRA announce unconditional cease-fire - lasts until 1996
1998                 Good Friday Accord (Belfast Agreement) signed by Ireland and Britain

1901                 Edward VII comes to English throne
1901                 Marconi sends first transatlantic radio message from Britain
1906                 Movement for Women's Suffrage becomes active in Britain
1906                 Liberal landslide government in Britain
1908                 Herbert Asquith becomes Liberal Prime Minister
1908                 Lord Baden-Powell founds Boy Scouts and Girl Guides
1910                 George V succedes to British throne
1914                 Britain drawn into First World War against Germany
1916                 Inconclusive battles at Verdun and Somme in France
1918                 Lawrence of Arabia aids British forces in Middle East
1918                 End of First World War (25m killed) - Versailles Conference
1918                 Women over 30 granted right to vote in Britain
1918                 Earnest Rutherford splits the atom
1921                 British-Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein publishes his "Tractatus"
1926                 General Strike in Britain
1928                 Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
1928                 Equal adult suffrage established in Britain
1931                 National Coalition Government in Britain
1932                 Aldous Huxley writes "Brave New World"
1936                 King George V dies - Edward VIII abdicates - George VI accedes
1937                 Neville Chamberlaine's government appeases Germany and Italy
1939                 Britain enters Second World War after Hitler invades Poland
1940                 Sir Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister
1940                 Battle of Britain - Germany defeated in air
1942                 British army under Montgomery drives Germans out of Egypt
1944                 D-Day - Allies make crucial push into France
1945                 Germany surrenders - end of Second World War (45m killed)
MODERN FRANCE: 1907 to 2000.AD
1907                 Entente Cordiale between France, Britain and Russia
1914                 First World war - Germany/Austria vs Britain/France/Russia
1916                 Inconclusive battles at Verdun and Somme in France
1918                 End of First World War (25m killed) - Versailles Conference
1935                 France concludes pact of mutual assistance with Russia
1936                 Popular Front government in France under Léon Blum
1939                 France enters Second World War after Hitler invades Poland
1940                 Marshal Pétain agrees armistice with Hitler - France occupied
1942                 Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus develop Existentialism
1944                 D-Day - Allies make crucial push into France
1944                 Charles de Gaulle organizes provisional government after Paris liberated
1945                 End of Second World War (45m killed)
1956                 Suez Crisis - Britain and France attack Egypt
1958                 Charles de Gaulle given extensive powers in France
1962                 Georges Pompidou takes over after vote against Charles de Gaulle
1981                 François Mitterrand becomes first Socialist President of France
MODERN GERMANY: 1914 to 2000.AD
1914                 First World War - Germany/Austria vs Britain/France/Russia
1916                 Inconclusive battles at Verdun and Somme in France
1918                 End of First World War (25m killed) - Versailles Conference
1919                 Treaty of Versailles - Germany loses annexed lands and colonies
1919                 Germany proclaimed a republic
1919                 Bauhaus art movement developed by architect Walter Gropius
1933                 Adolph Hitler becomes dictator after coup
1935                 Germany under Hitler begins persecution of Jews (6m killed)
1938                 Hitler siezes Austria (Anschluss) and Czechoslovakia
1939                 Britain and France enter Second World War after Hitler invades Poland
1941                 Germany invades Russia - Russia enters Second World War
1942                 British army under Montgomery drives Germans out of Egypt
1945                 Germany surrenders - end of Second World War (45m killed)
1946                 Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal
1949                 West Germany declared a republic - Konrad Adenauer becomes Chanceller
1961                 Berlin Wall built between East and West Germany
1969                 Willi Brandt becomes German Chanceller
1972                 Treaty recognizes East and West Germany as sovereign states
1976                 Baader-Meinhof Gang (leftist terrorists) active in Germany
1980                 Relations between East and West Germany deteriorate
1983                 Helmut Kohl becomes German Chancellor
1989                 Berlin Wall demolished
1990                 East and West Germany unite as Federal Republic of Germany
1998                 German chancellor Helmut Kohl defeated by Gerhard Schröder
1917                 US enters First World War - balance tips in Allies' favour
1929                 Valentines Day Massacre - Al Capone gains control of Chicago underworld
1929                 Astronomer Edwin Hubble shows that the universe is expanding
1929                 US Stock Market Crash
1933                 FD Roosevelt becomes US President
1934                 Bonnie Parke and Clyde Barrow ("Bonnie and Clyde") killed in Louisiana
1941                 Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbour brings US into WW2
1942                 Manhattan Project established to develop atomic bomb
1945                 US drops first atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
1945                 Germany and Japan surrender - end of Second World War (45m killed)
MODERN RUSSIA: 1917 to 2000.AD
1917                 Bolshevik Revolution under Vladimir Ilych Lenin and Leon Trotsky
1918                 Tsar Nicholas II killed
1918                 Bolsheviks end Russian involvment in First World War
1920                 Russo-Polish War
1921                 Economic collapse and famine in Russia - 5 million die
1924                 Joseph Stalin becomes Premiere of Russia after Death of Lenin
1927                 Leon Trotsky expelled from Communist Party
1929                 Massive collectivization push in Russia under Stalin
1934                 Social Realism art movement encouraged in Russia
1935                 France concludes pact of mutual assistance with Russia
1936                 Great purge of Russian political parties by Stalin
1939                 Russia signs non-agression pact with Hitler's Germany
1941                 Germany invades Russia and Russia joins Second World War
1945                 Russian intransigence after Potsdam conference starts "Cold War"
1947                 "Iron Curtain" effectively drawn around Soviet-controlled countries
1949                 Comecon setablished to coordinate Soviet block economies
1953                 Soviets successfully test hydrogen bomb
1957                 Russian Sputnik sattelite launched
1961                 Russian Yuri Gagarin becomes first man in space
1968                 Soviets crush Czechoslovakian Prague Spring revolt
1969                 Border disputes between China and Russia
1979                 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
1985                 Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Russian Premiere - "Glasnost" and 
1986                 Chernobyl nuclear power station explodes, contaminating most of Europe
1987                 Gorbachev signs first of several treaties to reduce nuclear arms
1989                 Russians pull out of costly war in Afghanistan
1991                 USSR breaks up into constituent countries - end of Soviet era
1993                 Violent constitutional crisis in Russia after Boris Yeltsin dissolves legislature
1995                 Russian war in Chechnya (ends in 1996)
1999                 Vladimir Putin becomes acting Russian President after Yeltsin resigns
1918                 Jewish League formed by David Ben Gurion
1919                 Kemal Atatürk leads Turkish nationlist resistance
1919                 Jewish Zionists start immigration into Palestine
1921                 Modern Persian state created by Resa Khan
1921                 Greece declares war on Turkey
1922                 Republic of Turkey declared under Kemal Pasha
1922                 Britain grants independence to Egypt
1924                 Greece declares itself a republic
1948                 British pull out of Palestine - state of Israel established
1956                 Gamal Abdel Nasser becomes President of Egyptian Republic
1956                 Suez Crisis - Britain and France attack Egypt
1960                 Construction of Aswan High Dam in Egypt begins
1962                 Yemenese Civil War
1964                 Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) formed
1967                 First Arab-Israeli (6-Day) War
1971                 United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Qatar become independent from Britain
1973                 Second Arab-Israeli (Yom Kippur) War
1973                 Saudi Arabia leads huge oil price increases - world economy slows
1974                 Turkey intervenes in Cyprus
1974                 PLO under Yasser Arafat recognized as representing Palestine
1975                 Christian vs Muslim war in Lebanon
1975                 King Faisal of Saudi Arabia assassinated
1977                 Israel under Menachem Begin starts West Bank settlements
1979                 Iranian Revolution - Ayatollah Khomeini proclaims Islamic Republic
1979                 Camp David Agreement brokers peace between Israel and Egypt
1980                 Military coup in Turkey under Kenan Evren
1980                 Iranian Hostage Crisis - hostages held in US Embassy in Teheran
1980                 Iran-Iraq War begins
1981                 President Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt assassinated by Muslim fundamentalists
1981                 Greece votes in Socialist Andreas Papandreou
1982                 Israel invades Lebanon - Israel-Lebanon War
1983                 End of Israel-Lebanon War
1987                 Intifada - Palestinian opposition to Israeli occupation of Gaza and West 
1988                 End of Iran-Iraq War
1991                 Persian Gulf War starts after Iraq invades Kuwait
1996                 Israel elects Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister
1999                 King Hussein of Jordan dies after ruling for 46 years
1919                 Poland recognized as independent state after First World War
1941                 Josip Broz Tito leads coommunist revolution in Yugoslavia
1947                 "Iron Curtain" effectively drawn around Soviet-controlled countries
1948                 Enver Hoxha leads Albania as independent Stalinist state
1949                 Comecon established to coordinate Soviet block economies
1955                 Warsaw Pact signed by USSR, Poland, Romania, Hungary,
Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Albania
1956                 Hungarian revolt brutally suppressed by Soviets
1961                 Berlin Wall built between East and West Germany
1968                 Albania withdraws from Warsaw Pact for ideological reasons
1968                 Prague Spring uprising in Czechoslovakia crushed by Soviets
1972                 Treaty recognizes East and West Germany as sovereign states
1980                 Gdansk Shipyard Strike in Poland - Lech Walesa forms Solidarity
1980                 Relations between East and West Germany deteriorate
1982                 Martial law in Poland ended by Solidarity action
1985                 Enver Hoxha dies - Albania gradually relaxes foreign relations
1985                 Pro-Solidarity Father Jerzy Popieluzsko assassinated in Poland
1989                 Overthrow of communist rule in Poland, Hungary, East Germany and 
1989                 Non-violent Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia
1989                 Violent overthrow of Ceausescu's communist regime in Romania
1989                 Berlin Wall demolished
1990                 East and West Germany unite as Federal Republic of Germany
1991                 Official dissolution of Warsaw Pact
1992                 Civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina starts
1995                 End of war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
1926                 Antonio Salazar leads military coup in Portugal
1926                 Death of Antoni Gaudí (Catalan architect)
1931                 Spain proclaimed a republic
1936                 Spanish Civil War starts
1936                 Assassination of Federico García Lorca (Spanish poet)
1937                 German bombing of Guernica, Northern Spain
1939                 Fascists under Francisco Franco triumph in Spanish Civil War
1959                 Terrorist organization ETA founded to fight for Basque independence
1973                 Death of Pablo Picasso (Spanish artist)
1974                 Portugal overthrows dictatorship - António de Spinola President
1975                 Juan Carlos becomes King of Spain after Franco's death
1976                 Free elections re-established in Spain
1978                 ETA (Basque seperatist group) active in Spain
1983                 Socialist government headed by Mário Soares in Portugal
MODERN AFRICA: 1930 to 2000.AD
1930                 Heile Selassie becomes Emperor of Ethiopia
1948                 Afrikaaner National Party comes to power in South Africa - apartheid
1953                 Mau Mau Rebellion breaks out in Kenya
1957                 Ghana first African colony to gain independence from Britain
1960                 Congo gains independence from Belgium
1961                 South Africa declares republic and leaves British Commonwealth
1964                 Nelson Mandela jailed for campaigning against apartheid in South Africa
1964                 Kenya becomes republic under Jomo Kenyatta
1965                 White government declares independence in Southern Rhodesia
1967                 Nigerian Civil War - Biafra famine
1967                 First human heart transplant performed in South Africa
1969                 Moammar al-Qaddafi (Gadafi) leads military coup in Libya
1971                 Revolution in Ethiopia overthrows Haile Selassie
1972                 President Idi Amin expels Asians from Uganda
1974                 Portugal grants independence to Mozambique, Angola and other colonies
1974                 South Africa voted out of UN for apartheid policies
1975                 Civil war breaks out in Angola
1977                 Activist Steve Biko dies in custody in South Africa
1979                 Idi Amin forced out of Uganda
1980                 Robert Mugabe leads first black government in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)
1983                 Coloureds and Asians allowed vote in South Africa
1984                 Drought and famine in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan
1990                 Neslon Mandela released - end of apartheid in South Africa
1991                 Ethiopian Civil War ends - Eritrea becomes independent
1994                 Rwandan genocide of ethnic Tutsis by Hutus
1994                 Nelson Mandela becomes first black President of South Africa
1999                 Nelson Mandela retires as president of South Africa - succeeded by Thabo 
1940                 Japan occupies Indo-China
1946                 Start of First Indochina War for independence from French rule
1948                 Korea divided into North and South Republics
1949                 Indonesia under Sukarno gains independence from Netherlands
1950                 Korean War starts - Communist North vs Capitalist South
1953                 Korean War ends after involving China, US and several other countries
1954                 End of First Indochina War - Vietnam partitioned
1954                 Laos and Cambodia recognized as independent
1959                 Communist North Vietnam starts war against Capitalist South
1964                 US becomes involved in Vietnam War
1965                 Ferdinand Marcos becomes President of Philippines
1967                 General Suharto of Indonesia wrests power from President Sukarno
1969                 US involvement in Vietnam peaks
1975                 Communists finally triumph in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
1978                 Radical reorganization of Cambodia by cruel Pol-Pot regime
1979                 "Boat People" start to flee Communist regime in Vietnam
1979                 President Park Chung Hee of South Korea assassinated
1983                 Philippino opposition leader Benigno Aquino assassinated
1986                 Marcos flees country and Corazon Aquino takes power in Philippines
1997                 Asian financial crisis
1998                 Indonesian dictator Suharto steps down after 32 years in power
POST-WAR BRITAIN: 1945 to 2000.AD
1945                 Clement Attlee becomes Labour Prime Minister of Britain
1947                 British pull out of India - Partition of India aand Pakistan
1948                 George Orwell writes "1984"
1952                 George VI dies - Elizabeth II takes British throne
1953                 Crick and Watson demonstrate double-helix structure of DNA
1956                 Suez Crisis - Britain and France invade Egypt
1957                 Sir Harold MacMillan becomes British Prime Minister
1973                 Britain joins European Economic Community
1975                 Birmingham Pub Bombings by IRA
1979                 Margaret Thatcher becomes British Prime Minister
1980                 Social Democratic Party formed
1981                 Black youths riot in British cities
1982                 Falklands War against Argentina
1984                 Miners' Strike in Britain
1990                 Margaret Thatcher resigns - John Major takes over as British PM
1994                 "Chunnel", rail tunnel between England and France, inaugurated
1997                 Tony Blair becomes British Prime Minister
1998                 Good Friday Accord (Belfast Agreement) signed by Ireland and Britain
1947                 British withdraw from India - Partition of India and Pakistan
1948                 Mahatma Ghandi assassinated
1957                 India claims state of Kashmir
1958                 Ayub Khan becomes military leader of Pakistan
1961                 Portugal loses its territories in Goa
1964                 Indian Prime Minister Jahawarlal Nehru dies
1971                 Indira Ghandi becomes Prime Minister of India
1971                 Indo-Pakistan War - Bangladesh declared independent republic
1972                 Ceylon becomes independent Republic of Sri Lanka
1974                 India explodes first nuclear device
1977                 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto executed after coup in Pakistan
1978                 Muhammed Zia Ul-Haq becomes hard-line Muslim President of Pakistan
1984                 Indira Ghandi assassinated by Sikhs - violence erupts in India
1984                 Bhopal industrial disaster in Madhya Pradesh (4,000 - 25,000 killed)
1985                 Tamil separatist resurgence in Sri Lanka
1991                 Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi killed by Tamil suicide bomber
1997                 Catholic nun Mother Teresa dies after nearly 50 years work in India
1999                 Military coup led by Gen. Pervez Musharraf overthrows Pakistani 
1947                 US Marshall Plan aid spurs European economic recovery
1949                 William Faulkner wins Nobel Prize for Literature
1950                 US becomes involved in Korean War
1952                 Dwight Eisenhower becomes US President
1953                 Crick and Watson demonstrate double-helix structure of DNA
1954                 Anti-Communist McCarthyism censured in US
1961                 Cuban Missile Crisis after US-backed anti-Castro invasion
1963                 US President John F Kennedy shot
1964                 Civil Rights Act passed in US
1964                 US becomes involved in Vietnam War
1967                 "Flower Power" at its height in California
1968                 Pierre Trudeau becomes Prime Minister of Canada
1968                 Black rights campaigner Martin Luther King assassinated
1969                 Neil Armstrong becomes first man to walk on Moon
1969                 US involvement in Vietnam War peaks
1971                 Rapprochement between US and China - Richard Nixon's visit
1972                 "Detente" - Strategic Arms Pact with USSR
1972                 Francis Ford Coppola's movie "The Godfather" released
1973                 US launches Pioneer II to explore outer planets
1973                 Henry Kissinger becomes US Secretary of State
1974                 Watergate Scandal - Richard Nixon quits as President
1975                 US pulls out of Vietnam War
1979                 Three Mile Island nuclear reactor incident in US
1980                 Iranian Hostage Crisis - hostages held in US Embassy in Tehran
1980                 Eruption of Mount St Helens (60 killed)
1980                 Ronald Reagan becomes US President
1987                 Iran-Contra Affair - arms for aid scandal
1987                 US and USSR sign first of several treaties to reduce nuclear arms
1988                 US and Canada sign free trade agreement
1989                 Exxon Valdez oil-spill in Alaska
1991                 US involvement in Persian Gulf War starts after Iraq invades Kuwait
1993                 Bill Clinton elected US President
1993                 New York World Trade Center bombing
1994                 Jean Chrétien becomes Canadian Prime Minister
1994                 North American Free Trade Agreement between US, Canada and Mexico
1994                 Sovereignty of Quebec narrowly defeated in referendum
1997                 US spacecraft begins exploration of Mars
Sejarah Indonesia Kuno hingga Abad 21
-20,000.BC      Riwayat Orang Sunda dan Jawa Kuno
-3000.BC         Sangkuriang dan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu
-2500.BC         Riwayat Ciung Wanara
-1000.BC         Riwayat Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi Kuno
400.AD            Kerajaan Kutai, Raja Mulawarman, di Sungai Mahakam, Kalimantan-Timur.
400.AD            Kerajaan Tulang Bawang, Lampung Sumatera Selatan.
500.AD            Kerajaan Tarumanegara Jawa Barat.
600-800.AD     Kerajaan Kalingga Jawa Tengah
600-1000.AD   Kerajaan Sriwijaya, Pantai Timur Sumatera
700-900.AD     Kerajaan Mataram Kuno Jawa Tengah
1052-1144.AD Kerajaan Kediri Jawa Tengah.
1065.AD          Kerajaan Buleleng, Bali
1222-1292.AD Kerajaan Singhasari, Malang Jawa Timur.
1297.AD          Kerajaan Samudera Pasai
1300-1400.AD Kerajaan Majapahit Jawa Timur
1400.AD          Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam
1400-1600.AD Masa Kehidupan WaliSanga.
1400.AD          Kerajaan Ternate Tidore.
1500.AD          Kerajaan Demak.
1550.AD          Kerajaan Cirebon - Banten.
1590.AD          Bangsa Belanda Masuk menjajah RI.
1605.AD          Kerajaan Gowa - Talo.
1800-1930.AD Masa Revolusi Pemberontakan Kolonial Belanda.
1945-1998.AD Masa Pembangunan RI.


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